Wednesday 4 July 2012

B E G I N.

h e l l o !
And here we are.  Well, this is new...much like the scientists in Cern who discovered the Higgs Boson particle this week, I have [I guess] discovered my willingness to put my thoughts out there for anyone who wants to listen, and
B L O G .

I dont really know how you are supposed to start these things but I figure its probably a good start to explain a touch about who I am and what I do before I rip in.

A B O U T.
I'm Mon Frampton, owner and designer of Monique Adele, a tiny, but fast growing boutique clothing company currently run out of my basement in Queenstown, New Zealand [and a bit of nerd].

Since I can remember I have been O B S E S S E D with clothes, sparkly things,  fashion and all things designer. I never went to design school, I got put off at University when a tutor I had said I wasn't quite "cut out for design".  Now I realise it wasn't me who wasn't cut out for design, but he who wasn't quite cut out for the  R E A L   W O R L D.  In my mind that is why he remained a cynical tutor [lets be real, there isn't much practical application in life for someone who majored in Street Art and Graffiti...unless of course you happen to be Banksy].  The "real world"of design for me, now relies on not only having talent and a point of view, but also having a commercial appeal. 

Design for design sake is all well and good, if of course you have the money to do it, but lets be realistic here, every designer out there wants to sell, sell,  S E L L ! My skill, as I see it, is keeping things simple, and not over thinking things too much.  And that, in essence, is what Monique Adele is all about.  Keeping things simple. 

I never went back to design at Uni after that class, instead I changed fields completely [town planning]. But since then I have taught myself fashion design and have adopted the "simple is chic" mantra and incorporated it into both my own design, and everyday approach to fashion. 

So I guess what I want to do now is share what I have learnt with the masses in this blog through through tipstrend alert: trends of this and next season,  fashion find: fab finds under $100 NZD and this weeks must have: an on trend item we'll all want to get our mits on! 

E N J O Y.
j e a n s,  j e a n s,  J E A N S
T R E N D  A L E R T. 
f l u r o  ♥  p a s t el

This one goes out to those of you who have been living under a rock.  Fluro + pastel = biggest trend for the upcoming Spring/Summer season! 

And the easiest way to achive this wardrobe makeover????  Start with your J E A N S. 

TIP: For the most effortless results pick your colour on the bottom and mix with either shades of the same colour, nurtrals or matellics [black, white, grey, beige, gold, silver].  Limit your look to three or four main colours.  This helps balance your look. 

When accessorising, I am always about going for broke where a chunky necklace is concerned, but make sure it complements the neckline of your top, and the colours you've wearing.  The same goes with footware either match the colour shade to another element of your look, or of have it stand out on its own.

Be a risk taker, psych yourself up now and give fluro a whirl this Summer!

day to night knit, $69 NZD, Glassons.
 F A S H I O N   F I N D.
d i p   d y e d  j u m p e r  ♥ g l a s s o n ' s 

I am a shop-a-holic, ill admit it.  It is an extremely  rare day for me if I don't go in to at least one store to see what has changed.  

A few friends have been suprised at some of my bargain finds, especially when I tell them where they came from.  So this part of my blog will be dedicated to sweet wee purchases that are under $100 like this little number.
So, much like ombre hair, ombre clothing is well on trend.  Much to my delight I spyed this little number on one of my many trips to the "House of G" to restock my fashion basics.

High Street shopping is not a crime! Infact many Celebs have made it  C H I C  to shop at stores like Topshop and H&M.  Here in good old New Zealand, Glassons, Dotti, Just Jeans, and Jeans West offer the opportunity of shopping on trend for less.  And now, these shops can absolutely rival high their high end counter parts.

This Dip Dye Knit Jumper from Glasson's is a great find.  For O N E. it is 30% Angora, so it is lovely, fluffy and soft not to mention warm as here in Queenstown our winter is brutal which makes on trend dressing for the weather a bit of a challenge. T W O. its only $69, bargain.

Mixing High Street and Designer is nothing new, and it's a fab way of keeping your wardrobe fresh and fashionable.  While personally I try not to concentrate on trends its hard not to want to try a few out. I usually shop for a colour, then pick a few of the trends of the season to try.  For example, right now I am about purple/berry tones.  I have picked menswear, peplum, fluro and ombre as my trends to try for the upcoming season.

TIP:  Don't just buy something J U S T because it's on trend, know your body and know what works.  While cropped jumpers like the one featured here may not be for you, other elements such as dip dyed jeans, maxi dresses or skirts, longling jumpers or even shirts may work better on your frame.  Know your shape and your shape's limits.

f a c e t   f o r e s t   r i n g  $375 NZD
 M U S T  H A V E.
f a c e t    f o r e s t    r i n g   ♥  
d a r k b l a c k

I 'll be the first to admit I have been eyeing this little number up since its launch at iD Dunedin Fashion week in March! 

The facet forest ring is solid silver [so she is weighty!] and part of darkblack's "All that Glitters" collection.  

Designed by local jeweller/artist Jade Muirhead of Dunedin this will T R U E L Y  get you noticed for all the right reasons.  And since the brand's launch Jade's jewellery has appeared in Viva, Print. and New Idea [this year alone].  

Darkblack is already become a brand to watch, not to mention wear and O W N.

TIP:  The simpler your outfit the bigger you can go with your accessories. Don't be afraid of a chunky necklace or ring, and if you are going to commit to oversize accessories less, in this instance, is not more! 

Go for broke, but remember you don't need to go broke buying them.  Costume and classic jewellery nowadays can sit side by side.  A great place to find accessories is often your local thrift store and a visit to the High Street can turn up some amazing finds. 

Again, match your accessories with your neckline, closer fitting necklaces for a higher neckline, and longer necklaces or just earrings and rings, with a lower neckline.

Till next week, stay effortlessly chic Mon.

E N D.